Monday, February 21, 2011

Swelling Hangnail

In a time before memory, the mothers of Boy Evergreen and Boy Blackberry crossed paths and became friends. The mothers banded together in order to share wisdom and knowledge, as well as the newly acquired burden two baby boys bring along. Winter’s and Summer’s children first met each other after only sleeping underneath Twenty-Four moons.

For a while, all Boy Evergreen and Boy Blackberry would do nothing but sit together in chairs, cribs, and seats, or on each other, floors, or sofas. They would sit and look at each other – or out of windows, depending on their moods. The boys did this for many moons while their mothers chit-chatted time away in different rooms.

As time went on, and the pinecones within their heads grew more and more layers, a primary idea occurred to Boy Evergreen and Boy Blackberry. Still sitting they thought together: “Lets Play!” The boys wanted to play together, but they didn’t know how.

So, Boy Blackberry tried hitting Boy Evergreen. Boy Evergreen tried pushing Boy Blackberry. They ran around in circles, chased one another, kicked balls, and sang in the all but forgotten tongue of children. They slid down slides, tumbled through ball pits, swung on swings, and from monkey bar to monkey bar. Together, they had many days and nights of fun, but a question bloomed in their minds from time to time: “How do we play?”

This questioned occurred to Boy Evergreen and Boy Blackberry in the quieter times, when all they would do was sit and look at each other – or out of windows, depending on their moods. Until one day…